If the Dome Control Computer fails, but there is still power to the APF dome, there will quickly be an overheating problem.
The cooling system has three pieces. Cold water is brought in from outside. That cold water can run through a heat exchanger or just go back to the chiller outside. To push air across the heat exchanger, there are fans.
The fans can fail off for a variety of reasons. Also, the cold water valves can end up closed.
On the first floor of the dome, by the rack containing the dome control computer, are two fuse cabinets. These are located below the cable wrap and can be easily reached by walking to the left of the dome control computer (to the left of the stairs to the higher levels.)
Each has a switch mounted on the side which will turn on the fans.
If the fans are blowing but there is little or no cold air, it is likely that the valves are closed.
To open the valves, open the cabinets that the switches are attached to. Turn switch number 3 into the off position.
Interior of Fan Control Unit 2 fuse box, switch 3 is the one that controls the valve for cold water flow.
The valve for FCU 2 is to the left of the fuse box and is mounted sideways. Turn it to the full on position.Those valve knobs have to be pushed in while turning.
The valve for FCU 1 is mounted on the wall of the dome in between the
two air vents (see below.) Turn it to the on position, the opposite of the picture below.
The valve for FCU 2, to the left of the cabinets. This valve is in the completely closed position.
The valve for FCU 1, note that it is between the two airvents.
Finally, open the door to level 2. This will allow cold air from upstairs to flow down into the lower level, and allow some hot air to escape into the rest of the dome.