Telescope Limit Status
The "Limits" portion of the Main Window diplays the status of the three telescope position limits: N-S, E-W, and Elevation (or horizon). Each limit can be in one of four states: clear, near, soft, or hard. The limit "clear" message changes to "near" as one approaches the limit, "near" changes to "soft" when a software limit is reached. On very rare occasions it is possible to push the telescope into a "hard" limit where it actually trips a hardware limit switch. When in a soft or hard limit, telescope motion is halted and tracking and autodome are disabled. The operator can move out of a software limit by either entering coordinates that lift the telescope out of the limit, by manually moving out with the virtual joystick, or manual slew functions.
POCO will not permit a "Move to Target" if the target coordinates exceed any of the telescope limits, but it is possible to track or to manually move into a limit. Manually slewing into a limit may cause the telescope to coast past the software limit and into a hardware limit. The best way to avoid this is not to use manual slew when near a limit. If you do trip a hardware limit, call a support scientist or telescope technician.
Clicking anywhere in the limits status panel will generate the "All
Limits Status" window. This window displays the telescope pointing
limits in all directions as well as the status of each limit. Below
are the limit information windows for both direct imaging and
spectroscopy configurations.
Direct Imaging Limit Information
Spectroscopy Limit Information