Trouble Report
If you have any immediate problems with the telescope, instrument,
or computers, please contact the 3-m telescope technician directly
at 8-0652. If the problem isn't urgent or can't be resolved at the
time you may report it via the Trouble Report software.
The Trouble Report software can be started from any user computer
(e.g. gouda or karnak) by
- clicking on its icon
- typing trouble in an xterm window.
When the software is started two windows will appear (see Figures 1 and 2).
The Main Window (Figure 1) allows you to submit a report other than a trouble
report, such as a Suggestion. Please enter your name in the entry box before
submitting any report.
The Detail Window (Figure 2) allows you to fill in the details of
the problem. Please indicate which telescope you are using in the top section
and the clasification of the problem (if unsure, just make your best guess)
in the second section. Fill out the rest of the form as completely as possible,
including as many details (including what time, if possible) of the problem
as possible. Details about what you were doing immediately before the problem
and any error messages at the time can be helpful to the technical staff when
diagnosing and fixing the problem.
When done reporting the difficulty, click the Post Trouble Report button.

Figure 1: Trouble Report Main Window

Figure 2: Trouble Report Detail Window
Last modified: Mon Aug 17 00:40:05 PDT 2015