
Make sure that the following applications are running:

  • Weatherlink
  • WEATHER (dos)
  • Sambar Server (a small green icon located on the toolbar)
  • Davis 120 station #1

    Ircal monitor and the Dewars/ 120 Dome and weather should also be running.

    You can manually start a program from the startup menu:
    start > programs > startup > shortcut to...... >

    All software starts automatically when restarting Windows.

  • Weatherlink

    The archive interval should be set to 5 min:
    setup > set archive interval >
    Also check that date and time are correct.

    To view the weather station's memory go to: This file contains the weather data for the last 48 hours (5 min intervals). Weatherlink updates this file every hour.

    To check the serial link to the weather Monitor II go to:
    setup > Serial Port > Test > (Com1,1200)

    If power to Weather Monitor II was off for more than 5 mins, the time must be set manually:
    Setup > Set Time > Set > (verify that Homer's system time clock is ok)

    Graphs and plots are found at:

    Weather (DOS)

    Make sure the date and time are correct and that the clock is running.

    The directory http://homer/Weather/ holds a file for each day of the year named as 001-YYYY-TXT, 002-YYYY-TXT, ... 366-YYYY.TXT The WEATHER script is responsible for the creation of these files; the script updates the files hourly. "Esc" exits the script.

    This page courtesy of Kostas Chloros (
    Last updated: 16 May 05