The 36" windscreen is a slit cover that will extend about
1/3 of the way up the slit. Like many windscreens of this type, it
works in low wind speed when a windscreen is often not necessary. It
is normally parked in the down position. The windscreen controls are
on the desk (Figure 1) and on the paddle (Figure 2). The desk control
is a toggle switch that can be set in the up or down position and left there
if the resulting maximum or minimum height is the desired position.
If one wishes to leave the screen part way up then the screen switch
will have to placed back into the stop (neutral) position. From the
telescope, the buttons are on a paddle and will move the windscreen
until they are released. The windscreen may have to be adjusted to
prevent it from occluding the telescope as the telescope tracks.

Figure 1: Desk control panel, the windscreen control is in the middle top, just above the dome rotation switch.

Figure 2: Dome control paddle on telescope. Top button sends windscreen up, bottom just below it sends the windscreen down.

Figure 3: Bottom of the dome slit with the screen in the stow position)